
moleSkin Melanomas of the Feet

Skin Melanomas can develop anywhere on the body, including the feet. Unfortunately, the skin area of the feet is often overlooked during routine medical examinations.

Melanoma is a cancer that is very invasive. When they are in areas of high stress the metastasis break off and can enter the blood stream where they lodge in various organs, lungs, liver and lymph nodes.

As we seldom inspect our feet, especially the bottom of the foot your Podiatrist is often the person to notice any suspicious lesions. AMA Podiatry now has the equipment for early detection of any suspicious lesions thereby expediting any necessary treatment.

We will recommend a visit to your local doctor for further investigation of any lesions .

Alex and the team at AMA Podiatry are experienced in all the above procedures and would be happy to discuss the relevance of such treatments in your care regime. And recommend referral to your consulting GP for further investigation if required.

More Information or Make a Booking

For more information on how we can help you, please call us on 9576 9495 or complete our enquiry form: Enquiry Form