Muscle Stimulation
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) CHATTANOOGA Complex Technology is used by AMA sports podiatrist for muscle strengthening, maintenance of muscle mass and strength during prolonged periods of immobilisation, selective muscle retraining, and the control of oedema.
Muscle re-education through electrical muscle stimulation is used in the early stages of physical rehabilitation following an injury that uses an electrical current to cause a single muscle or a group of muscles to contract.
The goals of this treatment are to build basic tone and strength in weakened muscles and to force the contraction of these muscles in a coordinated pattern to strengthen injured muscles and promotes healing.
What is Electric Muscle Stimulation
How does it work?
Electrostimulation is not a miraculous technique; it is very simple and precisely reproduces the processes that occur when our brain orders muscles to contract. It respects how our body’s work.
When we decide to contract a muscle, our brain sends a command in the form of an electric signal to the nerve fibres. This signal is then sent to muscle fibres, which are excited and contract. In the case of electrostimulation, excitation occurs directly on the motor nerve using electrical impulses. This use of stimuli on a group of muscles promotes the rehabilitation of the injured muscle area.
During a NMES podiatry treatment, electrodes are placed on the skin over either the injury site or weakened muscle group. NMES passes safe targeted electrical impulses to stimulate healing and aide in pain relief. There is no discomfit or pain in the treatment, except for a mild tingling sensation.

It is very important to understand the difference between EMS or (NMES) and tens. Some have had an experience with tens but were not educated on the difference between these types of modalities.
Stimulation of the motor nerves
(Efferent Nerve Fibres) to stimulate a muscular response, referred to as Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS).
This type of stimulation will cause muscle twitches or muscle contractions, and it can be targeted to assist with recovery, with the recruitment of slow or fast twitch muscle fibres based on your goals and targeted to assist with muscular pain. The physiological characteristics of the twitches and the contractions are equal to the ones caused by a voluntary activity commanded by the brain.
Stimulation of sensory nerve fibres
(Afferent Nerve Fibres) to obtain analgesic effects or pain relief; referred to as Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation (TENS).
Stimulating tactile sensory nerve fibres blocks pain being transmitted to the nervous system, acute and/or chronic localized pain and muscular pain. With pain relief programmes, electrostimulation can be used to treat acute or chronic localised pain and muscle pain.
What Are the Benefits of Electrical Muscle Stimulation?
- Increases Range of motion (for tense muscles or tendons)
- Muscle re-education (rehabilitation)
- Muscle Atrophy (loss of muscle mass/tissue)
- Osteoarthritis (joint pain and swelling)
- Relieve Acute and Chronic Pain
- Improves blood flow and circulation
By using NMES electrotherapy your AMA sports podiatrist can target Various muscle fibres accurately to achieve the desired objective (muscular strengthening, increased blood flow and reduce the risk of recurrent injury. Electrotherapy is the perfect solution to optimize functional rehabilitation, incorporate movement control, agility and speed to enable the patient a return to pre-injury level.

More Information or Make a Booking
For more information on how we can help you, please call us on 9576 9495 or complete our enquiry form: Enquiry Form