Shockwave Therapy uses a series of ultrasound shockwaves to promote healing in damaged tissues. IT is a clinically proven and highly effective treatment for chronic soft tissue injuries and certain bone conditions.
Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT), produce a rapid increase in blood circulation to the target area and will break down fibrous scar tissue which builds up over time, especially with chronic conditions.
Shockwave Therapy uses a series of ultrasound shockwaves to promote healing in damaged tissues. IT is a clinically proven and highly effective treatment for chronic soft tissue injuries and certain bone conditions.
Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT), produce a rapid increase in blood circulation to the target area and will break down fibrous scar tissue which builds up over time, especially with chronic conditions.

How does Shockwave Therapy work?
Shockwave works as an acoustic wave which delivers high energy to injury spots and myoskeletal tissue that are affected by either subacute, sub chronic and chronic conditions. This energy transfer promotes cell regeneration and aids in the reparative process of the bone’s tendons and other soft tissue damage. The shockwave is delivered to the tissue via compressed air impulse exerted by the hand piece. The shockwave radiates through the tissue and into the affected area to promote healing and relief.
Shockwave Therapy proves to be relatively inexpensive, effective and noninvasive treatment for many conditions without any significant side effects.
Acceleration of metabolic healing
The break-down of scar tissue is the key to why shock wave therapy is so effective. Unlike normal elasticated tissue, scar tissue is non-elastic and will prevent normal movement and function, thereby weakening the unaffected tissue surrounding it, often causing further damage and pain. By increasing circulation and breaking-down scar tissue, shock wave therapy will stimulate cell regeneration and promote normal healing and rapid reduction of pain. Normal function can then be restored.
Metabolic Healing
- New Blood Vessel Formation
- Chronic Inflammation reversal
- Collagen Production
- Dissolution of Calcified Fibroblast
- Reduction of Pain
- Trigger Point Release
What does Shock Wave Therapy treat?
Shock wave therapy can be effective on a wide range of soft tissue and bony conditions. Here are some examples of conditions where shock wave has effectively treated and restored normal function:
- Heel pain
- Arch pain
- Associated Plantar Fasciitis
- Achilles tendonitis
- Severs
- Heel spur
- Posterior Enthesopathy
- Rehabilitation (of a pre-existing condition)
Most patients with chronic pain problems have been through various unsuccessful types of treatments. Up to 80% of the same patients worldwide report that Shockwave therapy has helped them eliminate their problem.
There may be a slight feeling of discomfort during the treatment, depending on the level of pain the patient is already experiencing in the area. However, since the treatment lasts only about five minutes, most patients can tolerate this discomfort. Additionally, the intensity of the treatment can be adjusted throughout the session.
The number of treatments varies depending on the indication and tissue response. The effect of the treatment is cumulative, so you will typically need more than one (3–5) treatment. Very often though, you will experience relief right after the first treatment.
Most indications require 3–5 treatments which are done 3–10 days apart, depending on the patient’s tolerance and their tissue response.
Most patients will experience an immediate pain relief following the treatment. However, within 2–4 hours after the treatment, they may experience some soreness in the treated area. This soreness has been reported as tolerable and not limiting.
There are a few occasions when AMA Podiatry would not recommend shockwave therapy. Such as:
During pregnancy, over metal pins or plates, nerve or circulation disorders, infections, tumours, blood thinners, steroid injections or if you have a pacemaker.
And not suitable for under 18 y/o because of active growth plates.
AMA Podiatrist will carefully screen each patient to ensure they are a suitable candidate for ESWT therapy.
ESWT shockwave therapy has been used by AMA sports podiatrist for the past eight years, having successful treatment of injuries including, Achilles tendinopathy, Heel pain and Heel Spurs, Knee pain and Patellar tendinopathy, Shin splints and midfoot osteoarthritis. And use by accredited medicine worldwide. Backed by FDA and a multitude of clinical studies.
- Affordable in-clinic procedure
- No anaesthesia or injections
- No surgery
- No negative side effects
Shockwave Therapy proves to be relatively inexpensive, effective and no-invasive treatment for many conditions without any significant side effects when administered by your accredited Podiatrist professional. Ask Our podiatrists today to advise if ESWT is suitable for you.
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