AMA Podiatry clinics has available Direct Milled 3D laser scanning for foot orthotics.
We have spent many hours testing the different techniques available with foot scanning technology. Combined with Triplane orthotics to offer the best and most affordable solution for custom EVA orthotics.
Research and development
AMA podiatry strives to be the leader in orthotic manufacture and research. With the advent of laser 3D scanning technology, we investigated the accuracy of plot point technology.
The major limiting factor, is not so much the technology rather the software that is available to podiatrist for the manufacture of the orthotic.
Although accuracy is questionable, as noted on the podiatry arena, many find the software is limited in changing the scanned image to a corrected alignment of the foot.
At AMA Podiatry and our partners Triplane Orthotics, we use a muti-step process involving detailed and intricate cast correction along with our Triplanar technique.
We don’t use plot points to correct a foot.
We Use a (CCP) biomechanically corrected cast which we scan, thus giving a true and accurate impression of the foot.
By using our Triplanar (CCP) correction technique, after casting we obtain a true and accurate impression of the foot.
Using this in combination with laser 3D scanning we can produce a device which is superior in performance quality and comfort.
More Information or Make a Booking
For more information on how we can help you, please call us on 9576 9495 or complete our enquiry form: Enquiry Form